Monday, February 08, 2010

My 7 Cub scouts just crossed over to Boy Scouts

This past weekend 7 of my (technically only one is really mine) boys graduated from being cub scouts to boy scouts. We had a Blue and Gold celebration dinner and a crossing over ceremony al of which was a wonderful experience. They actually have a bridge that the scouts physically cross over symbolizing the end of one path and the beginning of another (Can you hear me dabbing at my tears). This year is an extra special year as it’s the 100th anniversary of Scouting.
I have been involved in scouting for about 9 years now since my oldest became a tiger cub. I led his dean and transitioned them to boys scouts a few years ago. He continues to remain pretty active in his troop and loving every minute of it. Just last weekend he was out at a wilderness survival camp sleeping OUTSIDE in 20 degrees with nothing but a tent and a campfire Brrrr.

Being a Den leader means putting in a lot of effort in making sure that the boys are getting the most of what they can from this wonderful program. Trying to lead a Den of 7 boys with bundles of energy has its rewards and its challenges. Today I turned over yet another batch of scouts to the BSA and its sort of bitter sweet. It’s been 6 years of spending an hour or two with them twice a month coming up with activities to do, things to explore and fun to have. I have watched most of them transform from the little cubs that they were when they started in 1st grade into these wonderful young men that they have morphed into. I sort of feel like the mama bear that has to let her grown cubs move on into the woods and hope that I have given them enough to survive on their own two feet.

Now here they are poised to move into Middle school and I am so proud of their accomplishments and cherish all the wonderful memories of the journey to getting here. In a few years they will perhaps have moved on and barely remember any of their early scouting days. I however will always look back fondly on all our adventures and always remember them just as they are today. I hope they all continue to stay with the Boy Scouts of America organization and make it to the rank of Eagle. I wish them all the best and hope that in some small way have made a difference in their lives for the better.

2 down 1 to go.

So two of my cubs are grown and made the transition so far. I still have one little cub left who has 2 more years to go before he makes the transition to Boy scouts and I am planning on enjoying every moment of him while he is still a cub. Its neat to see him following the footsteps of his older brother. Startling to see realize how fast he is progressing and leaping towards the finish line.

I already have one teen hanging around with attitude, another poised to be “tween” this year so I know I need to enjoy the “baby cub” while there is still time. I am afraid to blink cause before I know it I’ll have a house with 3 teenage boys walking around. Yikes !

Flower car lady - Have a happy and colorful day

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