Monday, June 08, 2009

Conquering all that Clutter.

Q . Do you feel overwhelmed by clutter in your home?

Q. Does it feel like you can never move from your house because you have collected too much stuff over the years?

Q. Did you watch TLC’s Clean sweep and think “Boy do I need that”!?

I was always amazed at the ability of people who were able to get rid of excess things in their life. I have a difficult time throwing anything away. Everything had some value, sentimental, monetary or otherwise. End result is that I accumulated too much “STUFF”. It got to a point where it was a burden and a strain on day to day life and truly began to take a toll on me. I just felt overwhelmed and bogged down with all that weight and burden all the time.

Q. Are you ready to rid yourself of the clutter?

Eventually after having watched endless Clean sweeps and Peter Walsh on Oprah with his de-cluttering crew I had enough. Peter Walsh was not going to show up on my doorstep magically and de-clutter my stuff. It was hard to see all the people cry at the things they were clinging too and really made me take a good hard look at why I had a hard time letting things go. I could see myself in their shoes and I knew it was going to be a difficult process.
If you search the web there are 10,000 tips on how to de clutter and how to stay de-cluttered. I have read many articles, have all the info I need on how to do it and still it’s a difficult process. Here are some of the reasons my mind used to hang on to the things:

I paid XXX dollars for this
Some one can use it.
Some day I might need it & then I will have to go get a new one
I remember when “INSERT KID NAME” made this.
I can sell this for XX dollars.
Its important we cant just throw it in the trash.
There is way too much trash on this planet and now I am adding to it.
I like it, its nice/pretty/”insert adjective”.

Q. Is it really possible to de-clutter and stay that way?


Finally at some point it just sunk in that it was not about the stuff. I really had to stop focusing on the stuff and focus on the Why?
I had to stop allowing my mind to make the excuses and focus on what I really wanted in my life.
Once I started working on the why the letting go came easier. I am not all the way there, but I am leaps and bounds from where I started about 6 months ago. By the end of the year I hope to be living a clutter free lifestyle for good.

I am not going to list all the tips and ways to help you de-clutter, god knows there is plenty of info out there. I just want you to know that can be done. Work on the “Why” and then all the info on “How To” will be useful. If you just jump in there and start using the How you may end up right back where you started. Start slow, pick a small area, make some progress and don’t let clutter enter there. Once you have mastered that area keep expanding your clutter free zone and before you know it you are feeling in control.
Don’t let the amount of de-cluttering overwhelm you. If you need any motivation email me and I will be happy to get you kick started on your de-cluttering journey.

Here’s to conquering all that clutter and enjoying a clutter & stress free living.

Flower car lady - Have a happy and colorful day

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