Thursday, May 14, 2009

Once Upon a Time – Happily Ever After

Once upon a time I used to be younger
Once upon a time I worked as a high powered executive with a large salary
Once upon a time I was naïve
Once upon a time I saw less unhappiness around
Once upon a time I had crooked teeth
Once upon a time I did not have the courage to believe in myself
Once upon a time I believed in happily ever after

Once you realize that you have been living in “Once Upon a Time” you can’t help but feel badly for the neglected NOW. Today I decide to live in the NOW because I don’t want my story to be about Once upon a time. I want to be here, in the now and see what my life has to offer and where I will end up next.

Here is my Now

Now I am a SAHM of 3
Now I am a blogger
Now I have straight teeth
Now I am more present in my relationship with my husband
Now I am actively doing something to find a purpose and contentment in life
Now I am a better friend
Now I am more alive
Now I am brave enough to believe in my own strength
Now I am not afraid of what life will bring my way
Now I know what truly makes me happy

My Now is so much better than my Once Upon A Time.

One day all of this too will be my once upon a time and I will have to live my new now.

Even though the fairy tale might begin with a Once upon a time, I am re-writing the middle so it ends with- And she lived Happily.

1 comment:

  1. thats so lovely. I completly agree...I try and do things to give me purpose in life and if I can help others along the way with my experiances etc then thats excellent. Im glad everything is happy ever after and your blog is lovely!!
    keep blogging
